2023 Annual Meeting Recap
On August 10, 2023, Central Electric Cooperative (CEC) held its Annual Meeting at AC Valley High School at 6:00 PM. Fifty-three members and their guests attended the meeting after CEC decided not to host an in-person event the past three years due to an abundance of caution during the COVID-19 pandemic. Members in attendance enjoyed refreshments, educational information, opportunities to speak with the Board of Directors and staff, a look at 2022 in review during the CEO’s remarks, and a question-and-answer session. Additionally, each member received a gift at registration and was entered to win door prizes. Door prizes included six $50 bill credits and one $100 bill credit.
During the meeting, it was confirmed that incumbent directors Althea Smith, Venango County Representative and Board Secretary/Treasurer, and John Campbell, Forest County Representative, were re-elected in uncontested races.
For the members that were unable to attend in-person, a video recording of the 86th Annual Business Meeting is provided below.
In the summer of 2024, CEC will host the Annual Business Meeting and a Member Appreciation Event. More details of each event will be released to the membership as they become available.
Thank you to everyone that attended the 86th Annual Meeting. We look forward to seeing you at CEC’s events in 2024.