Energy Assistance Options

CEC wants to help its members who are struggling to pay their bills. Please contact our Member Services team at 800-521-0570 if you need to make payment arrangements for your account. 

There are also several assistance programs available at this time. Below are programs our members may qualify for to receive assistance paying utility bills, as well as other needs.


CEC Programs


Family Fund assists families or individuals in need who have their permanent residence on CEC lines. Funds for this program come from unclaimed capital credits and donations from other members through our Round Up Program


  • Applicant must have been a CEC member for at least six months. 
  • Applicant must have been eligible for Low Income Home Energy Assistance (LIHEAP).
  • Applicant must have received a current disconnection notice. 

If the applicants LIHEAP monies have gone to a utility other than CEC, we will require proof of this and these members are eligible for Family Fund.  The amount received from Family Fund will depend on the amount of your disconnection notice, but will not exceed $700. 

How To Apply?

You can apply for Family Fund by contacting CEC Member Services at 800-521-0570.



The CEC Hardship Grant was put in place to help members suffering a hardship making it difficult to pay their electricity bill. 


  • Suffer a recent hardship due to loss of income or employment status, disability, medical emergency, death, military deployment, natural disaster, or other situations approved by the cooperative.
  • Have not been eligible or have used up all available monies from income-based energy assistance programs.
  • Have a balance due on your electric bill.
  • Have been a CEC member for 3 or more years.
  • Have an average to good credit rating with CEC.
  • Have made a payment within the past two months, prior to the application.
  • Have not received the Hardship Grant in the past 24 months.
  • Have not been disconnected for non-payment in the past 12 months.
  • Does not have any record of electric service theft or meter tampering at the service location while in your name.

Members may be required to show verification of the hardship to the cooperative. Anyone receiving a grant by falsifying the application will be required to pay the monies back immediately and be prohibited from receiving any energy assistance from CEC in the future.

CEC reserves the right to forgo any of the predetermined qualifications for grant approval if extenuating circumstances exist.

How To Apply? 

Central Electric Cooperative, Inc is located in Pennsylvania and can only assist our cooperative members with this grant program. 

Click here to complete the application online. 

Click here to download the printable application. 

Other Resources


LIHEAP is a federal program administered by the State Department of Public Welfare and assists low-income families with their heating bills. LIHEAP is a grant and you do not have to be on public assistance to qualify.

LIHEAP programs become available beginning in November. To learn more about LIHEAP or apply call 866-857-7095 or click here. You may also contact your county assistance office at the phone number below. 

  • Allegheny County – 877-395-8930
  • Armstrong County – 800-424-5235
  • Butler County – 866-256-0093
  • Clarion County – 800-253-3488
  • Forest County – 800-876-0645
  • Mercer County – 800-747-8405
  • Venango County – 877-409-2421

The Emergency Rental Assistance Program (ERAP) provides assistance to households that have experienced financial hardship and may be at risk of homelessness due to Covid-19. ERAP provides tenant households assistance with rental and utility costs to include arrearages and other related housing expenses.

** This program is available to Armstrong and Forest county residents. All other counties in our service territory have depleted funding for this program. 

ERAP Program Details

Click here to apply. 

The PAHAF program provides assistance for mortgage and housing-related expenses, to address mortgage delinquencies and avoid default, foreclosure, and displacement as a result of COVID-19 pandemic related financial hardships. The program can assist with mortgage payments, property taxes, and delinquent utilities. 

Who is eligible? 

Click here to apply.

PA 2-1-1 is a free and confidential service that helps people locate the local resources they need including utility assistance, employment support, rent assistance, food banks, and so much more. With one phone number, callers can gain access to available programs and services to help improve the quality of their lives. Help is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week by calling 2-1-1. You can also text your zip code to 898-211 to connect.  

Access resources online and learn more about the PA 2-1-1 agency serving your area: 

For members in Clarion, Venango, and Forest Counties: Visit PA 2-1-1 Northwest

For members in Butler, Armstrong, Mercer, and Allegheny counties: Visit PA 2-1-1 Southwest

PA 211