Beat The Peak

As a member of an electric co-op, you’re in the unique position to help keep rates low. How? One way is to lower your energy use during summer peak hours.

Help us Beat the Peak this summer. The hottest days create the highest demand for electricity. When demand for electricity is high - so is the price. When we reduce electric use during peak hours, we can reduce power costs for all members. 

Beat the Peak announcements take place on weekdays June through September between 1 p.m. and 7 p.m. 

There are plenty of simple steps to take this summer to beat the peak. 

  • Turn your air conditioner up five degrees higher than usual. 
  • Run your dishwasher and do laundry early in the morning or later evening. 
  • Schedule your pool pump to run during off-peak hours.
  • Turn off dehumidifiers during the day.
  • Cook dinner on the grill or use counter top appliances, like a Crock-Pot, rather than the oven.
  • Turn off unnecessary lights and electronics that generate heat. 
  • Shut blinds and curtains during the day to keep the sun from naturally warming up your home. 

With these adjustments you can help us beat the peak and (save money!). When everyone co-operates, everyone benefits. That’s the power of co-op membership.

Sign Up for Beat the Peak Alerts

CEC will send an email notification the morning of a day when a peak day is expected. Beat the Peak alerts occur on weekdays June through September.

Please fill out the following form to be added to email notifications for members of Central Electric Cooperative located in Parker, Pennsylvania.

Thank you for your participation. Together we can keep rates down. 

How did you learn about Peak Alerts?
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