November 2022: The Facts About Net-Metering, CEC's 85th Annual Meeting of the Members, CEC Holiday Closures, Reminder: Enter our Christmas Lights Contest!, Seasonal Safety, The Value of Electricity, Youth Tour is Back in 2023!, Suds and Savings, Yam Bake Recipe.

PowerLines Newsletter
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Power Lines Quiz Contest's Rules

1. The contest is open to all CEC members with active accounts, as of the drawing date.

2. Members may enter both contests: the mail-in coupon and the online contest.

3. Employees and directors of CEC, along with members of their immediate families, are ineligible.

4. The winning entries will appear as credit on the members' bills and may not be redeemed for cash.

Net-metering is the manner in which CEC accommodates the interconnection of qualifying renewable facilities.
Wear low visibility black garments any time you are outdoors this time of year.
Washing small loads of laundry uses less energy than full loads.
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