Be a Co-op Voter!
As a member-owned electric cooperative, voting is in our DNA. Voting plays a crucial role in our democracy and it's how we maintain our cooperative. Federal, state and local elections offer an opportunity to exercise a civic responsibility -- to select the best leaders for our communities.
When voters miss the chance to vote, they also lose the opportunity to communicate their concerns to our leaders. Reliable, affordable electricity and other issues will become priorities if we continue to express our concerns to our elected officials. Registering to vote and showing up at the polls on Election Day are the most effective ways to send this message.
CEC would like to encourage members to vote and talk about issues important to co-ops and our communities in public discussions. You will join 42 million members across the nation to ensure electric co-ops are a powerful voice on national issues that have a local impact. These efforts will ensure our voices are heard, especially on the upcoming Election Day.
We have the opportunity to continue the dialogue with a variety of candidates this year, and now is the perfect time to ask, “what will you do to ensure we continue to have affordable and reliable electricity in our community?” This is also a great time to confirm your voter registration is valid and encourage any new voters to get registered. 2022 – it’s a great time to go vote!
For information on how to register and vote, visit the Co-ops Vote website: You can also find information about elected officials and read about issues important to our communities.
Co-ops Vote is a non-partisan program developed by the National Rural Electric Cooperative Association (NRECA), the national service organization that represents the nation’s more than 900 private, not-for-profit, consumer-owned electric cooperatives, like CEC.