Energy Efficiency Tools
These are a quick and easy way to breakdown your energy expenditures as it relates to your appliances, lighting and your home overall. Once you input some basic information, each of these calculators will analyze your energy costs. Start saving now! Just click on any of the below buttons to learn more about how you can improve your home's energy efficiency and save money at the same time! The calculator icons below will take you to CEC is not responsible for the actual content of the website and is offering this only as a tool.
The current total residential rate per kWh for CEC is $0.11434 (includes generation/transmission and distribution cost per kWh).
Click here to view more Energy Use Calculators.
Please keep in mind that all appliance calculators are for electric appliances. Also, the cost per year amount factors in usage for 12 months of the year, which will be an over-estimate for items such as space heaters and air conditioners.
Energy consumption for the month is measured in kilowatt-hours (kWh). The meter on your home is collecting consumption data by the hour to determine what you will be billed. (Learn more about your meter.)
What you will find on your appliances and electric heating units are labels with consumption measured in watts. Watts are the units used in the calculators below to give estimated costs for operating. These calculators have factored in average wattage for the respective appliances. Your actual item can vary and can be updated in the calculator.
CEC's Energy Staff knows that saving energy means saving money, and having an energy efficient home does just that. That's why we are proud to share the Home Energy Adventure with you.
This tool allows you to utilize interactive quizzes, test your energy efficiency skills, and learn how to improve your home's energy efficiency, and ultimately save money. Printable project sheets are also available.
A home energy audit helps you assess how much energy your home uses and evaluate what measures you can take to improve efficiency. Use the following resources to complete a home energy audit on your own.
- To assess savings opportunities take the Home Energy Adventure or visit
- Click here for the Department of Energy DIY energy audit checklist.
- Click here to access energy calculators for a quick and easy way to breakdown your energy expenditures as it relates to your appliances.
- Click here to learn how to utilize Smarthub -- our online account management software -- to better understand your energy usage and trends.
Energy Star's Home Energy Yardstick: This online tool allows you to assess the energy efficiency of your home to see how it measures up!
Use Energy Star's Home Energy Yardstick tool.
Energy Star Home Advisor: This tool walks you through creating a home energy profile then offers custom recommendations to improve your home's efficiency.
Take advantage of our new Energy Efficiency Brochures; they include a wealth of cost-saving information and tips which are beneficial to both residential and commercial members.
- Home Energy Savings Guide: This popular brochure provides valuable tips to help track and manage consumption by evaluating their home and identify questionable usage.
- 101 Easy Easy to Save Energy: This provides 101 easy ways to save energy in your home.
- Tips on Saving Money and Energy in Your Home: This brochure from the U.S. Department of Energy shows you how easy it is to reduce your energy use at home and on the road. You'll find quick tips you can use to start saving today, as well as information on larger projects that will help save you money over the long term.