Central Electric Cooperative P.O. Box 329 716 Route 368 Parker, PA 16049 Member Services: 800-521-0570 Outages: 800-282-8610
Member Services: 800-521-0570
Outages: 800-282-8610
If you believe a tree is growing too close to one of our power lines, we can assess the situation and determine if the tree needs attention before the next scheduled trimming. This form can also be used to report an issue relative to recently completed tree work.
Submissions are for Central Electric Cooperative, Inc. located in Pennsylvania only.
Please Do Not Plant Near Power Lines Tress, and other vegetation, planted too close to power lines grow into a big problem. To prevent power outages and safety hazards, CEC will cut all vegetation on CEC right-of-ways. To learn more about proper planting near power lines, please click here. Tree Removal If a member would like a tree removed and the tree is located between a utility pole and the member’s home, we will need to disconnect the service. The homeowner will be responsible for the actual tree removal. Please call us for specific details about your tree and power lines.