Beat the Peak This Summer!

Tuesday | May 30, 2023

Central Electric Cooperative (CEC) cares about giving members safe, reliable electricity at a reasonable cost to member-owners. The cooperative has unique programs in place to be sure we can offer affordable and stable rates to our members. Our Peak Alert program encourages all members to reduce electric consumption during peak demand periods, which helps us all save.


When can you expect a Peak Alert?

Peak demand hours occur on certain days from June to September between 1 and 7 p.m.


What is a peak?

Electricity is produced for immediate use; it cannot be stored economically. Because of this, power plants must meet electricity requirements at all times. Peak demand refers to those periods when electric consumers collectively use the most electricity. Generally, electricity prices are higher during demand peaks.

For example, during a hot, humid summer day at 3 p.m. you may be running your home's A/C unit, a dehumidifier in the basement, doing a load of laundry, and your swimming pool pump may kick on. This is likely a peak demand period for your home that day and as many members do the same, the cooperative will likely see a demand peak across the entire system.


Why does your cooperative ask you to reduce energy consumption during peaks?

As a result of electric competition in Pennsylvania, the price an electric cooperative consumer must pay for electricity is partially based on how much electricity the cooperative requires between 1 and 7 p.m. on the five hottest, most humid days each summer. Reducing the amount of power the cooperative uses on those days, as well as during other times throughout the year, can stabilize electric costs.

Small adjustments in when, where, and how you use your electricity do make a difference in energy costs during high-demand periods!


picture    How can you reduce during a peak?

    - Turn your air conditioner up five degrees higher than usual.

    - Postpone the use of dehumidifiers.

    - Schedule swimming pool pumps to run during off-peak hours.

    - Run your dishwasher and do laundry early in the morning or later in the evening. 

    - Turn off unnecessary lights and electronics that generate heat. 

    - Cook dinner on the grill or use countertop appliances, like a Crock-Pot, rather than the oven.

    - Shut blinds and curtains during the day to keep the sun from naturally warming your home.


How do we notify you of Peak Alerts?

The cooperative notifies members of a Peak Alert on local radio stations, by email, and on our website.

Listen for Peak Alerts on Forever Broadcasting radio stations: Froggy 98.5 FM, Majic 99.3 FM, and WUZZ 107.7 FM


Sign up for Peak Alerts