CEC Urges Conservation & Safety During Heat Advisory
Extremely high temperatures and humidity are predicted over the next couple of days with temperatures exceeding 90 degrees. Central Electric Cooperative’s (CEC’s) seven-county service territory – Allegheny, Armstrong, Butler, Clarion, Forest, Mercer, and Venango counties – is under a Heat Advisory from the National Weather Service in Pittsburgh from noon today, July 19 to Saturday, July 20 at 8 p.m.
CEC strongly encourages all members to stay safe and conserve energy during this heatwave.
When extreme temperatures put stress on the electrical grid, everyone can help by being more efficient in their use of electricity. CEC urges members to conserve energy during this heatwave – especially between 1 and 7 p.m.
Here are some ways you can keep cool and be energy efficient:
- Use curtains and blinds to keep sunlight out during the day.
- Dress in loose, lightweight clothing.
- Use ceiling fans to make use of the wind chill effect while you are home. Set them to spin counterclockwise so they push air down and make you feel cooler.
- Avoid unnecessary trips in and out of the house. Heat and humidity come in each time the door is opened.
- Set your thermostat as high as is comfortable when you are home. The smaller the difference between the thermostat and the outside temperature, the less energy used.
During periods of extreme heat, hot weather mixed with outdoor activities can lead to dangerous situations. Follow these guidelines to protect yourself and your loved ones.
- Stay cool. If you do not have access to an air-conditioned space, visit a shopping mall or public library.
- Stay hydrated. Drink fluids regularly, regardless of your activity level, and don’t wait until you’re thirsty. Do NOT drink liquids that contain alcohol or large amounts of sugar as they will cause you to lose more body fluid.
- Dress appropriately. Wear lightweight, light-colored, loose-fitting clothing.
- Don’t leave anyone in a closed, parked vehicle.
- Check on elderly friends and neighbors.
- Slow down and avoid strenuous activity.
- Take a cool shower or bath.
Central Electric Cooperative is a Touchstone Energy Cooperative serving approximately 25,000 members with over 3,000 miles of distribution line in portions of Allegheny, Armstrong, Butler, Clarion, Forest, Mercer and Venango counties. Visit CEC's website at www.central.coop to find out how to save money on energy bills and learn about new products.