Power Lines- November 2018

November 2018: What is Grid Resiliency?, Smart Thermostats, Holiday Closures, William Eichner Memorial, Give Your Extension Cord Some Respect, CEC's 81st Annual Meeting, Easy Pecan Rolls recipe.

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Power Lines- October 2018

October 2018: In Case You Missed It, Be on the Hunt for Safety, What is a kWh, Make a Difference: Join ACRE, Apple Cake Recipe. 

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Power Lines- September 2018

September 2018: For the Community, Win a Visa Gift Card or Bill Credit, Is it time to invest in a new fridge?, Plant Trees Out of Harm's Way, ACRE, Photo Contest Voting, Zucchini Burgers Recipe. 

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Power Lines- August 2018

August 2018: 2017 Annual Report.  

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Power Lines- July 2018

July 2018: Foundational Relationships, Annual Meeting Registration, Combatting Humidity, It's Not Just a Green Metal Box, Nominees for Election to the Board of Directors, Pork BBQ Recipe. 

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Power Lines- June 2018

June 2018: It's Personal, Always Call 811 Before You Dig, Good Neighbor Scholarship Winners, Comfort at a Low Cost, Power Line Safety After the Storm, Annual Meeting Registration, Cucumber Salad Recipe.  

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Power Lines- May 2018

May 2018: A Gift of Light ... Bulbs, Message from Ken Maleski, Switch on the Savings with LEDs, Thunderstorm Safety, Local Teens Selected for Youth Tour, 81st Annual Meeting of the Members, Tellers Needed for Election, Key Lime Tart in Sugar Cookie Crust Recipe.  

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Power Lines- April 2018

April 2018: The Best Part, The Power Behind Your Power, Adding a Radiant Barrier to Insulation, Think Safety When Operating a Generator, PREA Scholarship, 2018 Photo Contest, Annual Pole Inspection, Cheesy Kluski Bake Recipe.

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Power Lines- March 2018

March 2018: A Lot Like Snowflakes, 2017 Coloring Contest Winners, Window Replacement Choices, Roadside Crew Safety, 2017 Year-End Report, Irish Soda Bread Recipe.  

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Power Lines- February 2018

February 2018: Change is Our Status Quo, PSECU Promotion, Stay Warm -- Cheaply, Cold Weather Safety Tips, USX Promotion, Are You Interested in a CEC Director's Seat?, Cream Puff Cake Recipe.  

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Power Lines- January 2018

January 2018: The Greatest Thing Since, CEC Scores Big with Member Survey, Driving Safety, Good Neighbor Scholarship, Expanded Rebate Program, Youth Tour Reminder, Tater Tot Casserole Recipe. 

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Power Lines- January 2019

January 2019: Thanks, 2019 Good Neighbor Scholarship, Youth Tour Reminder, Our Water Heater Program is Back, Say Goodbye to Your Old Electric Blanket, Butler County Board Vacancy, CEC Scores Big with Member Survey, REVISED Easy Pecan Rolls Recipe.

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