Power Lines- February 2020

February 2020: Many Voices -- One Cooperative, Energy Efficient Televisions, Power Line Myths Debunked, What Can You Do With $1 Worth of Electricity?, Are You Interested in a CEC Director's Seat?, Crazy Cake with Penuche Icing Recipe.

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Power Lines - October 2020

Clearing the Lines, Powering Through: Generators, Member Survey Reminder, Halloween Safety for Motorists, Make a Difference: Join ACRE, Cream of Butternut Squash & Leek Soup Recipe. 

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Power Lines - March 2020

March 2020: Safety Presentation Season, Annual Pole Inspection, Usage Comparison on Your Bill, 2019 Coloring Contest Winners, First Responders Training, Line Clearing to Improve System Reliability, Safety City Presentation, USX Credit Union, Blueberry Coffee Cake Recipe.

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Power Lines - April 2020

April 2020: Cooperative Culture, #ThankALineworker on April 13, Electric Water Heater Alternatives, Flooding Can Cause Electrical Danger, PREA Scholarship, 2020 Photo Contest, Beer Cashew Chili Recipe.

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Power Lines - May 2020

May 2020: Forward Together, National Weather Service Alerts, Surge Protection, Local Teens Selected for Youth Tour, Outage Notifications, Cole Slaw Recipe. This issue of Power Lines was written prior to April 1, 2020.

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Power Lines - June 2020

June 2020: Safety in a Time of Pandemic, Why is the Power Out?, 2020 Scholarship Recipients, Proper Hand Washing, CEC Annual Meeting, Tellers Request, Bar-B-Que Meatballs Recipe. This issue of Power Lines was written prior to May 7, 2020.

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Power Lines - August 2020

August 2020 -- 2019 Annual Report: CEC is Focused on Better Serving You -- Executive Report, 2019 Year-End Financial Review Charts, Meet Your Board of Directors, 2019 Statements of Income and Comprehensive Income, 2019 Balance Sheets.

2019 Annual Report

Power Lines - July 2020

Annual Meeting in a Time of Pandemic, Room Air Conditioners, Ultraviolet Rays Safety, 2020 Annual Meeting Notice, Submit a Question for the Annual Meeting, Nominees for Election to the Board of Directors, Baked Pineapple Recipe.

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Power Lines - September 2020

September 2020: Our Greatest Ability, Electricity Basics, Co-ops Vote, Photo Contest Voting, Win Free Electricity for a Year or a Visa Gift Card: 2020 Member Survey, Emergency Services, Chili Con Queso Bites Recipe.

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