2022 Contracted System Improvement Project

Wednesday | January 19, 2022
Central Electric Cooperative (CEC) has contracted C. W. Wright (Wright) to complete a system improve...

Managing Your Account with SmartHub

Monday | January 3, 2022
Life is fast, and it can be hectic, but paying your bill doesn’t have to be complicated. With our Sm...

CEC Crews Manage Wind Damage

Saturday | December 11, 2021
High winds plagued Central Electric Cooperative's (CEC's) seven-county service territory on Dec. 11 ...

USPS Delays

Thursday | December 9, 2021
The United States Postal Service (USPS) is experiencing delivery delays during this holiday season. ...
CEC will begin tree trimming on Jan. 1, 2022, to reduce outages and service interruptions caused by ...
Central Electric Cooperative (CEC) serves seven counties in western Pennsylvania. All of whom are ex...

Get Involved with CEC -- Join the MAAC!

Wednesday | October 13, 2021
Central Electric Cooperative (CEC) is currently looking for members to serve on its 2022-2023 Member...
Central Electric Cooperative's (CEC's) members re-elected board of director, Jody Weaver, representi...