Recent News

The 2020 Central Electric Cooperative director election results are:
Top 10 Practices for Energy and Money Savings.

CEC Director Election Announcement

Thursday | July 16, 2020
Central Electric Cooperative's (CEC's) annual director election opens on July 17, 2020.

Outage Preparedness Kit Winners

Wednesday | July 8, 2020
In May, Central Electric Cooperative (CEC) encouraged all members to sign up for SmartHub-- CEC sele...
Thinking of planting some trees in your yard this summer? If the answer is yes, giving some thought ...

2020 Annual Meeting Notice

Wednesday | July 1, 2020
Safety is the culture of Central Electric Cooperative (CEC). In an effort to protect one another fro...

June Energy Tips: Smart Thermostats

Friday | June 5, 2020
When it comes to reducing energy use and cutting home energy costs, the most impact can be made by p...
Your Home's Electrical System To help prevent injury and illness there are things we know we have...

CEC Announces Peak Alert Season

Friday | May 29, 2020
June 1 marks the beginning of Peak Alert season for Central Electric Cooperative (CEC) members. Radi...
You Asked, We Listened. Outage Notifications Coming Soon! CEC works hard to improve system reliabil...
COVID-19 Social Distancing & Tips for Managing Energy Use As we all begin to consider how we transi...
CEC Encourages these Payment Options Due to COVID-19 With CEC's reduced office staff due to COVID-1...

COVID-19 Resources

Wednesday | March 25, 2020
As we all deal with the new realities brought on by the coronavirus (or COVID-19), Central Electric ...
Central Electric Cooperative (CEC) is an essential service provider. CEC will continue to maintain t...
In order to maintain the health and safety of members and employees, Central Electric Cooperative (C...

CEC COVID-19 (Coronavirus) Response

Wednesday | March 11, 2020
Central Electric Cooperative (CEC) takes the health and safety of our members and employees very ser...

March Energy Tips: Dishwashers

Monday | March 2, 2020
When it comes to cleaning up in the kitchen, a dishwasher is a big time saver. It will also save you...

February Energy Tips: Power Strips

Monday | February 3, 2020
As the number of consumer electronics in our homes grow, many find there just aren't enough outlets ...

Value of Electricity

Friday | January 24, 2020
While the cost of most goods and services has increased significantly over the years, electricity re...

January Energy Tips: DIY Efficiency Projects

Wednesday | January 1, 2020
A New Year brings new opportunities to save energy––and money. You may think energy efficiency upgra...