Power Lines- September 2011

September 2011: CEC is Keeping the Lights On, Save Money with U$X Federal Credit Union, Learn About the Load Management Program and more …

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Power Lines- August 2011

August 2011: CEC is “Looking Out for You” in this year’s Annual Report and more…

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Power Lines- July 2011

July 2011:  Vote for Your Directors, Register for the Annual Meeting, Grill Safely and more…

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Power Lines- June 2011

June 2011:  CEC is Breaking New Ground, Utilize our New Speaker Service Program, The Weather Affects Your Electric Bill and more…

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Power Lines- May 2011

May 2011:  Serve as an Annual Meeting Teller, Be a Part of History, Safely Operate Your Generator and more …

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Power Lines- April 2011

April 2011: Make a Difference, Apply for the PREA Scholarship, Stay Safe While Working Outdoors and more …

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Power Lines- March 2011

March 2011: Serve on the MAAC Committee, Save Money with U$X Federal Credit Union, Reduce Phantom Loads and more …

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Power Lines- February 2011

February 2011: Apply for Youth Tour, Become a CEC Director, Stay Safe Around Your Fireplace and more …

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Power Lines- January 2011

January 2011: Apply for the Good Neighbor Scholarship, Stay Safe and Warm During an Outage, Receive Load Control Reminders and more …

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Power Lines- December 2012

December 2012: ‘Twas December at CEC, Member Survey Results, Coloring Contest, Load Management & Twitter, Child Safety, Overseas Candy Recipe.

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Power Lines- November 2012

November 2012: 75!, Water Heater Program: Too Good to Pass Up!, CEC’s Annual Meeting, TogetherWeSave.com, Fall Driving Safety, Summer Squash Soup Recipe

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Power Lines- October 2012

October 2012: Working & Living Safely, Make a Difference: Join ACRE, Power Tool Safety Tips, Light Up Your Nights with Yard Lights, Seal the Deal, Raisin Bran Muffins Recipe.

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